The note, written in Chinese on
the wall using a blue marker pen stated: “It’s you who has ruined our lives. We
will not rest in peace. You don’t want us because of your career. They are
following me to nirvana.”
Liau killed his two daughters
Wan Yee, 13, and Wan Juin, 11, and seven-year-old son Zhen Liang before taking
his own life on Thursday.
At the wake at the Kwong Tong
funeral parlour in Sungai Besi, tears flowed freely as relatives and friends
paid their last respects.
The most touching scene was when
about 40 classmates of Wan Yee and Wan Juin hugged each other and wept
MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Ka
Ting expressed sadness and extended his condolences to the family members.
“I hope they remain clam during
this difficult moment. I pray no such tragedy will befall any Malaysian in the
future. I urge Malaysians to seek professional advice when they are faced with
emotional problems,” he said.
(from the Star on the 1st of August 2004)
Depressed, very sad, mental unstable, seek happiness
elsewhere, gave up on life – no prospect to go on living.
He loves his children and he didn’t want them to
suffer in life. He is bringing them to a better place. Maybe he can’t bear to
be separated with them; probably he is a family man. But he chose the wrong
action to show his love. Many times we love someone but do not know how to show
our love in the right way, we may end up hurting than loving them.
Our physical death is the end of our earthly life, no
doubt. But it is not the end of life
per se. The bible taught us of such life beyond death, the hereafter. There
will be heaven, a place of joy and happiness, and on the other end, there will
be hell, a place of sorrow and regrets. Our physical body may be diurai oleh bacteria but our spirit
lives on. One day, in the near future, we will all be resurrected to be judged.
Death also is not the solution to our sorrows. The
livings will mourn for the lost and there is judgment awaiting us at the end of
the road!
As death is not the finality of life, we will be
united with our loved ones again, that is if we are on the same side in the
hereafter (Luke16:19-31). There will be a day of reunion, in heaven and in
hell, a joyous occasion in the former and a most remorseful event in the
latter. We, Christians mourn when our loved ones die, but we will not be
sorrowful as those without hope (1 Thes 4:13-18). We trust that the hereafter
is better than here and that we will be reconciled, not only to our beloveds
who have gone before us, but also most importantly with God.
Life is not easy.
a. Let us extend our hands to support one another in face
of obstacles
b. Are you a good Samaritan to your neighbours? (Luke
10:25 – 37)
Love is painful
a. The right perspective of love is important in order
that our relationships are maintained. In a nutshell (1 Cor 13:4-8), love
1. suffers long (patient)
2. is kind
3. does not envy
4. does not parade itself (it’s not a show)
5. is not puffed up (humble)
6. does not behave itself rudely (graceful and gracious)
7. does not seek its own (sacrificial)
8. is not easily provoked
9. thinks no evil (no ulterior motives)
10. does not rejoice in iniquities (sins) but rejoices in
11. bears all things
12. believes all things
13. hopes all things
14. endures all things
15. never fails
b. As with Mr. Liau, God also send His beloved Child to
death. But it was a different story altogether, a different love. The
characteristic listed above is that of the love of God.
God bruised His Son, Jesus and afflicted Him with
sadness; not only that, He had made Jesus a sin offering (Isaiah 53:10), i.e. to put him to death.
What was God’s Son’s reaction to His Father’s plan?
Jesus obediently told the Father, Lo, I
come to do Thy will, O God (Heb 10:5). He willingly endured the cross (a symbol
of suffering and death) because of His love to His Father.
Why did God send His Son to die?
1. All have sinned against God and must face His anger
(Rom 3:23)
2. There is no forgiveness of sin but by the shedding of
blood (Heb 9:22)
3. Jesus loved us so much that He replaced us to face the
anger of God’s wrath (Rom 3:25)
4. Jesus Christ is, him
that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood ( Rev 1:5)
There is good
a. In contrast to the story of Mr. Liau, the story about
the death of God’s Son, Jesus is the Good News. The Bible declares, For God so loved the world, that he gave his
only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have
everlasting life (John 3:16).
b. Life is not easy, but there is hope. The Almighty God,
who is the Creator of the heavens and earth, the King of all things is our God forever: He will be our guide
even unto death ( Ps 48:14)